Right to use library is limited to students, teachers and staff of the college. Others can use the library with the written permission of the principal.
The library will remain open from 9.00 am to 3:30 pm.
A valid student ID card is to access the library. Students without a valid ID card will not be permitted required to access the library.
Readers of the Library shall enter their Name and Department legibly in a register which is kept at the entrance of the library.
Personal belongings (bags, umbrellas, other books etc.) are not allowed inside the library.
Complete silence must be maintained in the library
Drinks and eatables are not allowed in the library.
Use of cell phones in the library is not allowed. If readers wish to keep them while using the library, they must be switched off.
Reference books, journals/periodicals, magazines/newspapers, CD-ROM databases and other documents declared “For Reference” by the Librarian will not be issued.
While using the library, you must abide by the instructions of the Librarian.
Borrowers are requested to check if the documents being borrowed are complete and no pages are missing in it. In case of defect or damage in the book, it should be brought to the notice of the librarian. Otherwise, the borrower will be responsible for any type of damage or mutilation noticed at the time of return.
Do not write, underline, mark, mutilate or tear any pages of any book or journals. Library books are carefully examined on return and the borrower will be held responsible for the damage.
If an issued book is lost / damaged, the borrower should replace the book with a new book of the latest edition. If not able to make the replacement, then double the cost of the book (if book purchased within 2 years) or thrice the cost of the book (if book purchased earlier) will be collected for cost recovery of loss.
A Book Issued may be renewed up to 2 times provided; there is no reservation against it.
All books should be returned or renewed on or before the due date, otherwise overdue charges will be applicable.
Borrowing Policy
Max No. of Books to be Issued
Retention Period
Renewal Period (One Time)
UG Students
15 Days
15 days
PG Students
15 Days
15 Days
One Semester
Non-Teaching Staff
15 Days
If the Librarian recalls any book, at any time even before the expiry of the normal period of the loan, the book shall be returned.
No library equipment may be moved, modified or tampered without permission from the librarian.