The examination has to be conducted by fair means and the invigilator plays a significant role in it. Any lack of sincerity on the part of an invigilator is likely to result in undesirable consequences affecting the reputation of the college.
- An invigilator is under the control of the Chief Superintendent during the invigilation time and he/she should not leave the Examination Centre without the permission of the Chief Superintendent.
- An invigilator is expected to be alert at every moment, beginning from the entry of the candidates till the time that all answer scripts are collected from them.
- An invigilator should report at the exam cell at least half an hour before the time fixed for the commencement of the exams.
- It shall be the duty of the invigilators to guard against all kinds of malpractices or misconduct on the part of any candidate in the exam hall. He/she will report such malpractice or misconduct to the Chief Superintendent and help the Chief Superintendent/Chief Coordinator, as required, about the smooth conduct of the examinations.
- Invigilators should ensure that the examinees occupy their allotted seats in the exam hall in time.
- The invigilator must ensure the following during the conduct of examinations:
- To check students’ ID cards
- To check that books, notes, study material, wireless communication sets, mobile phones etc. are placed outside the exam hall to conduct a malpractice-free examination.
- To announce that examinees should write roll numbers on the question paper and any other markings on it will not be permitted.
- To check whether students attending the examination is using only a non programmable calculator.
- To ensure the examinee writes the correct subject name, question paper number, registration number, semester and year in the allotted spaces in the answer script.
- To take attendance of students in the exam hall.
- To ensure that answer booklets and question papers of absentees are returned safely to the Chief Superintendent immediately after half an hour.
- To deny permission to any examinee to enter the examination hall after thirty minutes of commencement of the examination. o To issue additional answer sheets to examinees.
- To make sure that no examinee shall, in any case, be allowed to leave the exam hall before the expiry of the stipulated time.
- To collect answer scripts from the examinees as soon as the examination is over and to hand over the same to the Chief Superintendent in sequential order of their roll numbers after duly counting and tallying these with students’ attendance sheets.
- To return surplus additional answer sheets to the Chief Superintendent immediately after the examination.
These rules apply to all written (regular or supplementary) as well as practical examinations or Viva and any other form of assessment or examination for undergraduate and postgraduate courses that contribute to the assessment of progress of students at the college. The following actions will constitute misconduct/misbehaviour by a student during examination:
- If an examinee is found to have any book, or page of any books, scribbling, or written notes or any printed material related to the exam while inside the exam hall, it will be considered malpractice.
- It will be considered malpractice if she/he leaves the examination hall without submitting the answer script.
- If she/he writes answers on another candidate’s answer script or in any other manner tries to obtain or take help from any other candidate or any other person inside or outside the examination hall will be considered misconduct. If she/he allows somebody else to write answers on his/her behalf during examination it will also be regarded as misconduct.
- Possession of any question paper or any other paper containing relevant answers or answers written on it will be considered as misconduct.
- Any kind of misbehaviour, intimidating or attempt to assault the invigilator or any other person connected with the conduct of the examination either inside or outside the examination hall, or damage, or attempts to damage, articles or furniture, equipment, stationery, or any other property in the venue will be seen as serious misconduct on part of the examinee.
- If any pages of the written answer script of the candidate are found to be replaced/torn/mutilated or found to contain handwriting different from that of the candidate will be deemed as malpractice.
- If any students create disturbances in the venue or refuse to comply with the instruction of the invigilator regarding seating arrangements in the examination hall, it will be regarded as misconduct.