As a wrap-up to the bridge classes, on 19th July 2023 Dr Vineeth K. M., Assistant Professor and Research Supervisor, Post Graduate Department of Commerce, Government College Tripunithura took a session on ‘Fundamentals of Accounting: Treading the road to Accounting Excellence’ to make students understand what is accounting in a very simple manner.

Different programmes, games, and activities were organized by the department teachers to make students help break the ice and overcome all the barriers they have in getting along with others. This was also done with a view so that they gain confidence in being themselves and thereby present, speak and do things in their best manner and give it their 100% during the coming induction program days and otherwise for their future as well.

A clinical psychologist by profession but a trainer, motivational speaker and author by passion. She had a charm and sincerity in the way she dealt with the students by detailing the various experiences she has gone through and how she outlived them to achieve her dreams.

The program began with a welcome speech by one of the first-year students. This was followed by a set of activities that kept the students charged throughout. It was a session filled with energy and entertainment. They were having various games, activities, dancing, singing etc.

Manju Ma’am began the class by making students understand the basic difference between Management and Commerce students, followed by the advantages of having a BBA degree and the road ahead after BBA.Students were made to write their goals in life, and they were discussed.They were made to their SWOT analysis. particularly focussing on their strengths and weaknesses. Time was given to them to take a break and reflect upon themselves. Many took time but did come up with their self-evaluations.