PG Department of Commerce Covid Cell, Anti-Drugs Cell in association with IQAC conducted an Anti-Awareness Program on 31st July 2023. The programme was handled by Mrs. Bindhu Issac (Health Inspector of Kumarapuram ) in CASC seminar Hall.The awareness class started with one minute silent prayer. The coordinators of the programme were Mrs, Bency Joy, Mrs. Anu Peter and Mr Hrishi Raj. The resource person has handled class very well and informed about the students about the harmful effects of drugs in this society. The class was taken by Mrs Bindhu Issac for 1 hour and the session was very informative to the students. She explained in deep about different types of drugs and the number of deaths caused due to the intake of different type of drugs. Mrs Bindhu Issac also explained in detailed how the drug peddlers use different methods to trap the students. She ended the session with a slogan of “SAY NO TO DRUGS”.